James Dyer

Crypto Time Machine - The quintessential FOMO toolkit for the crypto curious.

Feeling Nostalgic? Did you miss out on the lambos 🏎️? Turn back the clock with LitePaper’s Crypto Time Machine! Select your investment, coin and date to discover if you would have become a crypto millionaire or have been squashed unapologetically by Mr Market.

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James Dyer
Hunters of Product, Pining for the good old days of 2017? Don’t despair! With the LitePaper Time Machine you can relive the FOMO in full force. Speculate wildly on your hypothetical net worth had you listened to your old friend Pete’s promise of riches during in the early days of Bitcoin. (Alternatively if your still confused 😕 by crypto’s cryptic widdle-waddle and mathematical mumbo jumbo check out our bitesize learning resources.) Always a pleasure, never a chore, JD
Matt Hussey

Like these little tools, find it's a nice way of showing people market changes without drowning them in the detail.


Nice way of seeing the history of crypto in one place


Could have more currencies

Daniel Johnson

Typing as tears stream down my face thinking about all the lambos I could have afforded if I had only got intro crypto a few years ago.


Super simple way to figure out how much money I could have made


Super simple way to figure out how much money I could have made