Twice a month, Demand Curve asks hundreds of Y Combinator founders which advanced growth tactics are working for them. Then we share those insights with you. Run by Julian Shapiro of the Demand Curve team.
Hey everyone!
We found a lot of founders (including ourselves) had a hard time learning which growth tactics worked without overspending on experiments.
So, here's how the newsletter works: Twice a month, we ask hundreds of Y Combinator founders which advanced growth tactics are working for them. Then we share those insights with you.
Click through to our website to see sample newsletter issues.
We're constantly looking for feedback (feel free to leave it here), and we hope to evolve into a database of what works (and what doesn't) in growth marketing across the board.
I'm a huge fan of @shapiro's content! I highly recommend this newsletter and the Growth Marketing guide 👉
Looking forward to the next issue!
VC Sheet