Jeff Needles

Meerkat Embed - Embed your meerkat stream on any website

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Jeff Needles
Hi everybody! I’m super excited to be hunting my first product as a part of the Meerkat team. We’ve brought you the ability to stream and interact from anywhere… Now we’re enabling you to spread your content anywhere on the web via a simple embed. I know that this is something not only streamers have asked for… but developers too! We’re excited to see what kind of products can be made using this embeddable player and our public API. The meerkat embed is smart. It knows to show your live stream when you’re live. It will allow visitors to subscribe to upcoming streams when you have one posted. If you don’t have an upcoming stream, it will allow visitors to follow you, and see stats from your last broadcast. You’ve got 3 size options for the embed, to best fit the layout of your site, with a toggle to enable or disable the participation layer on the video. And just to be sure you are in control of your site’s appearance… we’ve enabled you to point at any image on the web as your custom cover photo when you're not live. Easily generate your own embed at More detailed documentation can be found at Thanks so much to the entire Meerkat team that has put out yet another awesome product! If you’ve got any feedback or questions, please let me know! Finally, if you'd like to read more of the philosophy behind this product:
Mike Coutermarsh
@jsneedles shweeeeet! Would be awesome if as typing in information, it previews what the embed will look like.
Lyle McKeany
@jsneedles really slick way to produce the embed code. nice work needles!
Sam Bauch
@jsneedles so it sort of turns your meerkat into a channel? i.e. if I put an embed on web, whenever I stream from my account it will go live? Or is the embed specific to a stream ID?
Jeff Needles
@sammybauch @jsneedles Embed is user-specific. And there is definitely some interest in using the API to pull live users based on hashtags... Like @sharkweek will be doing :-)
John Merlino
@jsneedles Awesome job to you and the whole Meerkat team! Embed + @sharkweek looks amazing, looking forward to seeing it.
Ben Rubin
Thank you Jeffrey 😃😃😃 We are very excited to put this product out! Especially with the API, this could lead to many cool use cases 🎉 Happy to hear feedback and answer any questions!
Tarikh Korula
@benrbn This is great! Congrats from the entire #Katch Team - go Team Meerkat!
Ben Rubin
@tarikh thank you!!! 😍😍😍
Peter Levin
Nice guys, looking forward to using this!
Nick Cicero
So many awesome uses for this, such a great addition to Meerkat.
Virginia Barnett
Congratulations Meerkat team, I am very excited about this product. @benrbn leading the way because that's what real leaders do:).
Ben Rubin
@vbarnett323 i'm just lucky to have a very special team! thank you for the kind words :)
David Gudai
@jsneedles - echoing question from @sammybauch, you and your team are approaching this as an "always on" channel that either displays the live stream, a custom placeholder cover photo, or a ticker for upcoming stream?
Jeff Needles
@davidgudai Totally. We are looking at this as YOUR live channel, wherever you want it. It's flexible for you to make sure you control your site's appearance.
Blake McClary
I agree with everyone else, really slick and easy way to embed. Love it!
Ben Rubin
@blakemcclary Thank you Blake :)
Ihor Stefurak
Perfect for bloggers
Ben Rubin
Elizabeth M.
Phenomenal work! I'm speechless, which is rare. 😃
Ben Rubin
@leasemolina thank you :)
Shy Rosenzweig
Good work, love it
Martin Cocaro
This is huge. Broadcasting live to your own website or others, I definitely see this booming. Well done, well done!
Jeff Needles
@mcocaro Thanks! 😎
Ravi Vadrevu
I hope this would be like what embed was to YouTube, looking forward to it! And good to see it is launched on the same day of my first hunt from Meed!
Niv Dror
Excited about this! Cool to think of it as creator's own personal channel. Also, excited for Shark Week :-)
Jay McCauley
Really cool guys, go Team Meerkat!
Joe Belsterling
Been a Periscope fan, but this could help them regain some relevance. Smart move guys/gals.