Aleksandra Sztemberg

MentSpot - Find a mentor or become one for free

To get somewhere in life, business, study, relationships or anything else, it's important to get guidance from a mentor. But finding the right mentor is difficult. Mentspot provides a simple way to get connected with Mentors and Mentees in any category.

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Also the platform is completely free, go ahead and give it a try!๐Ÿค“
Aleksandra Sztemberg
Hi ProductHunt! I'm the founder of Mentspot. I built this because it's still difficult to find someone who can mentor you, even if you're actively looking. So instead of searching for hours via LinkedIn or Facebook to find a mentor, through MentSpot anyone can find a mentor in a few clicks. The site also has has features like a goal lists, chat, audio conferencing. Goal lists make it easier for a mentor (and yourself) to help you progress through the process. MentSpot has been under the radar for a while, as more mentors were needed before we could launch it publicly. Now is that time! It's great to see how MentSpot is already helping people get in touch with the help they need. I'd love to hear what you think!
Sahil Patel
Awesome product!
@sahil_patel4 Great to hear!
Daryll Wong
As with many other platform-based products, how do you get a good base of mentors on this platform in the first place? What would be your strategy?
Aleksandra Sztemberg
We have a pretty high conversion rate just from running simple ads. MentSpot is different than, for example, LinkedIn because it covers not only business coaching but also any form of guidance one can give or get. Moving forward, we will implement a way to get paid for Mentoring and monetize the product, which will allow us to invest more into user acquisition.
Andrey Zaplatin
Great idea! It's always good to have another opinion. Although the system seems a bit abstract. What if a mentor can't help or not qualified enough? What if advices from mentor will lead to a BAD concequences? Can't really understand the whole structure with time perspective/goals achieving.
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@andrey_zaplatin It is up to both parties to decide whether there is a click and one can support another. There is also a review system so you can base on the Mentor's previous opinions. It is also not a professional or paid service, so it's based more on guidance than say, replacing a therapist. The Mentor sets the goals for a mentee and this helps to evaluate the progress of their work. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Jonathan Lubecky
Very interesting idea! Cool and attractive interface! Good luck!!!
@jonathanlubecky Thanks!๐Ÿ‘
Nachiket Patel
This is interesting! I really liked the idea and motive. Congrats on the launch!๐Ÿ‘
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@patelnachiket Appreciate it! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‡
Luis Dobreira
Congrats! How you going to monetize it?
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@luisdobreira For now, per request of the Mentors we added a way to get tipped for mentoring with After they setup an account, the active button will be visible on the Mentor's profiles. After we test how the users respond to this, we might implement a way to get paid for mentoring and charge a fee based on that amount. The second option is to keep it free and monetize it with ads. What's your suggestion?
Magdalena Gรณrka
Love the idea!
Alex Papageorge
Looks super clean! Congrats on launch!
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@alex_papageorge ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Rupal Khanna
Product looks interesting. Digging deeper into this.
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@rupalkhanna1 Curious to hear what you think :)
Nicholas Bradley
Such a great idea! Way to take an everyday issue for professionals and make it easier for us to find a mentor! Well done ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@nicholas_bradley That is exactly the point! Thanks a lot and feel free to share the feedback once you give it a go :)
meera bagdai
Very interesting idea! Good luck!!!
Jordan King
I'm very impressed with the number of mentors available on the platform ... congrats for doing such a great job on solving that half of the "chicken and egg" problem of a marketplace! I'm sure you're going to attract quite a few mentees.
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@jordankingxyz Thanks, we seem to have a pretty good conversion rate so hope to keep it up and get even more mentees and mentors!
Great product! Some point of improvement, if I may: 1. Would like to see more validation on firstname, lastname for uniformity. Currently, I see a lot of folks who have their email as their name, or a username as their only name. This makes the experience inconsistent and requires more cognitive load than necessary. 2. Consider increasing the number of mentors listed (currently each page only lists 5). I get that it might be tempting to keep as is for several reasons (e.g. 11 pages of 5 mentor each looks better than 6 pages of 10 or so and the more users have to click to each page, the longer they stay on your site), but these are tricks that prioritize your metrics over the user experience. Not saying you're necessarily doing this, just pointing this out. 3. Ratings - It's so encouraging to read the reviews people leave, but if there were a quick way to rate a mentor based on several criteria (e.g. responsiveness, depth of subject matter expertise, etc.) averaged to a 1-4 scale or something, that would be great. Of course, perhaps that is not desired because it might allow bad actors to artificially/maliciously or otherwise unfairly rate a mentor with a very low score.
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@chriscchan Wow, that is a very good feedback, thanks a lot, Chris! We will look into those points and see where we can improve :)
Bryce McKernan
@aleksandraszte2 great site. Is it designed to schedule in person meetups or facilitate virtual mentorship opportunities? Thanks!
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@aleksandraszte2 @bryce_mckernan It is meant for virtual meetings. We've implemented features like a goal list, chat, audio conferencing. I hope you will sign up and give it a go!
Louis Wong
awesome site!! looking forward to make use of it
Raj Gopal
Great idea but add a FAQ and About us page, so that it will be more trustworthy.
Alexey Luzan
Definitely want to try it!
Stacy Carmouche
What are some interesting usecases you have seen from early customers?
Aleksandra Sztemberg
@stacycarmouche We can't share too much because of the privacy, but I can say that some people found guidance when they needed it. We're happy to see active mentors and mentees that come back to our platform and keep their connections and work on their goals.