
Motorola Razr - The iconic flip phone returns as a foldable


The pocket-ready size of a flip phone fused with the intelligence of a modern smartphone. The new, radically different razr is here.

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Peedu Tuisk
They need to hire better web designers or partner up with an agency. Those example photos are atrocious and web font sizes are terrible. The "register now" plain text link with underline looks like it was just dumped there by a developer. Product's cool tho!
Edison Espinosa
@peedutuisk if they can't make a decent website, why trust them with a phone :D
Abhinav Srivastava
I can see myself flipping this open in middle of an all-hands meeting feigning nonchalance
I need this 😻 What was your first phone? 📲
@amrith Nokia 6210 was my big love back in the day 🤟 Nostalgia overcame me not too long ago and I bought one off eBay. The battery bloated shortly after, and that was the end of that R.I.P 😞
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
OMG I waited years to get the original and then was so happy when I finally got it. You could use MP3 files as ringtones and mine was Rihanna Umbrella for a while 😂... I am so tempted. Love how flip phones are making a comeback, first Nokia now this. Yay!
@abadesi Umbrella still slaps as a ringtone ☔🎶
Jameel Randeree
Its like a true retro product re-imagined
I hate that I love this. Can't beat the original design (for the nostalgia ofc), but the screen is sick and I want it. Anyone know the price point for it?
Paul Danyliuk
THIS is the pinnacle of the whole foldables thing. The whole technology was created just for this product to exist! 👏👏👏
Anna Filou
It looks MAGICAL but $1500? Seriously? 😒 And no headphone jack? So SIM card tray (only eSIM)? WHY?
Alex Conway
Michael Simpson
Looks nice. This is something interestinteresting in 2019. This was my dream when i was a kid.
caue rego
remove the flip. increase battery duration. reduce useless crappy things like bigger screen, resolution, high end camera and focus on performance. the razr wasn't good because of the flip... it was despise of it.
Zach Morford
Alex Barlow
I did love my StarTac. Very very tempting.
Will Willems
Iron out the kinks and make this a little smaller for the second gen and I'd love it!
Jack-Edward Oliver
Oh no they didn't. 👏
Vunzai Speaks
I need it in Pink!
Keri McKiernan
sweet nostalgia. curious the material used for the screen.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
I actually used the original for quite a while. Honestly, it was always cr*ap. :) I’m glad it stayed in the past. I hope this delivers what it looks — WITH a good battery. Kinda cool? If Motorola brought the V70 back - near Nokia, cutest smallest best reception ever - I’d give them my money. Still sort of crap; but absolutely adorable.
Scott Weinert
Did anyone else check to see if it’s April?
Виктория Баженова
The return of the legendary Razr