Ben Yoskovitz

Nuzzel - The super-easy way to see news from your friends

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Hunter Walk
Invested in Nuzzel's last round. Supersmart team and iOS app has been on my homescreen since its beta.
Eytan Buchman
Just got this because it keeps on coming up in comments. Tried it out and loved it. Does perpetuate the problem of people limiting exposure to news outside of their circles...but I love my circle :)
@eytanbuchman This is exactly what I was worried about with this but I guess we just need to curate our echo chambers carefully... :)
Ryan Hoover
I've used Nuzzel for a few months. It's great and surprisingly accurate. Although I occasionally get an email informing me @ryanlawler wrote an article on Techcrunch. :P
Amir Moin
This app is phenomenal. It has just made Twitter so useful for me. I find at least one article every day to add to pocket from Nuzzle.