Dave Schools

Party Qs - Web App - 2,000 great conversation starters


Party Qs is the #1 app for conversation starters with over 2,000 hand-selected questions, free, and always in your back pocket. Available for iOS, Android, and any internet browser.

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Dave Schools
May I, once again, Product Hunt? PARTY QS IS BACK!!!!! Well, we never left. But we're back! After 250k downloads, some news: Party Qs is now available for free in your WEB BROWSER. Or if you cross Super Mario with Spiderman, your WEB BOWSER! This means you can play Party Qs on any internet-enabled device! Party Qs is the #1 questions app for conversation starters. Google "questions app" and you'll find us. Party Qs is the simplest app you'll ever use. It's designed for real conversations, deepening connection, and getting to know people β€” we like to say that you know you're using the app correctly if you forget about your phone. So today, you can pop open a new tab and go to app.partyqs.com to start conversations in your team meetings, at your coffee shop, on a tablet, or your phone in your back pocket. Here's what's new: - 2,000 hand-curated questions in 48 categories and more coming - Meet Query, the shy Party Qs mascot (v cute) and the "Tips" tutorial - UI improvements like nav arrows, click-to-copy text, and the best feature ever... light/dark mode! Major shout out to CP my partner in crime who is the mastermind behind the code. I don't know how he does it but it's solid. We work on Party Qs on the side of our full-time jobs, so it's a passion project and we love tinkering on it and sharing it with people. Excited to hear what you all think. Thank you!
Jorge Ferreiro
@daveschools_ congrats on the launch! This is very exciting and love the web version. What are you planning on working next!? Congrats team!!
Dave Schools
@jgferreiro Thanks Jorge! Great question - we've got a few ideas, would love your feedback! Here they are: 1. "Go physical" release a conversation starters card game 2. "Party mode" let users invited friends and type answers to question in the app 3. "Creator mode" let users create their own categories and questions in the app 4. "Audio" let users add 1 min audio answeres to questions 5. "upvoting" let users upvote good questions and sort Which one do you like the most?
Jorge Ferreiro
πŸ’‘ Bright idea
@daveschools_ 1 sounds so much fun! Like a cool gift for companies and friends πŸ˜€
George Novik
@daveschools_ Congrats on the web version! Now I can use Party Qs on my grandma's flip phone! Also, Query is adorable. Can you add a Query only mode where we only get his questions? Asking for a friend. ;)
Aadil Razvi
Congrats on the launch, Dave! Love Party Q’sβ€”it’s the perfect shortcut to a meaningful date night or an intimate group hangout. Haven’t used it in a work context yet, but could see it being perfect for remote teams looking for an easy team building activity.
Dave Schools
@aadilrazvi Thank you Aadil! Yes exactly - We're particularly happy about the web app to make it more accessible for people working on their computer β€” easy to pop Party Qs open in a new tab to find a question
You had me at "web version" –– Party Qs –– so cute! /xB
Dave Schools
@beautybubble Haha thank you BeautyBubble
Dave Schools
@beautybubble Party Q for you: Films or books? (This or That category)
@daveschools_ Mr. Schools, Films but with a caveat –– there is only one movie one can even consider ... "You've Got Mail" and who doesn't love the Books category, come on! Stewart Little, if you can talk to me about Stewart we can come back around on the films category. /xB (having fun because the Party Qs is a blast!)
Dave Schools
@beautybubble Haha! Amazing. Tough one but I'd probably pick films, too.
Davis Baer
Looks awesome Dave! Great work!
Dave Schools
@daviswbaer Thanks Davis! Random Party Q for you: Which celebrity do you admire and why? Mine would be Ryan Reynolds, 3 brothers and 3 daughters, and a total boss.
Kyle Winey
Great work! Very exciting!
Dave Schools
@kylewiney Thanks Kyle! Random Party Q for you: Are you more productive working from home, or less?
Ben Travis
Congrats on the launch – great to see Party Qs even more accessible!
Dave Schools
@bmtravis YES, thanks Ben :)
Dave Schools
@bmtravis Random Party Q for you: What is one thing that you love but don't really need?
Steve Klein
Excited to give it a go @daveschools_ !
Dave Schools
@stevenklein YAAAASSSS Steve. Random Party Q for you: What is the best animated movie?
Steve Klein
@daveschools_ best? impossible to answer but I'll tell you what first came to mind (counts for something) - Onward. Absolute tear jerker - especially as a dad with young kids.
Julius Solaris
Awesome job Dave. This is so cool
Dave Schools
@tojulius Thanks Julius! Because you commented, here's a random Party Q for you: What are four ways you like to relax? (Came from the "Four" category) My answer: 1. hot shower 2. cold beverage 3. movies 4. writing
Christian Bryant
Congrats on the launch Dave! We've got a party this weekend and we'll have to check it out!
Dave Schools
@christian_bryant2 Perfect use case! Because you commented, here's a random Party Q for you: What is something you learned from your mom? I'll go first: my entrepreneurial spirit!
Christian Bryant
@daveschools_ I would second that! My mom and dad both run their own business and definitely gave me the bug
Daniel Hillman
Absolutely love Party Qs...huge congrats @daveschools_ - love, love, love it!! It's great for sharing Q's around our remote team which makes for great 'watercooler' convo πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰
Dave Schools
@danielhillman 😍😍😍😍 Daniel thank you. OK I need to ask you a Party Q now: How many push-ups can you do? (from the How Many category) For me, I can do 30 straight if I'm feeling good.
Daniel Hillman
@daveschools_ that is impressive! are we talking 1 or 2 armed push ups? πŸ˜†
Jon Brosio
Congrats on the launch! Super exciting. Going to be using this all the time.
Dave Schools
@jon_brosio Thanks Jon! Random Party Q chosen for you to answer: "Would you rather never dine out again or only dine out for the rest of your life?" HA
Ethan Brooks
Used the original mobile version at a work dinner and it definitely helped kick the conversation off in a fun way. Cool to see the web version going live!
Dave Schools
@ethandbrooks Work dinner, exactlyyyy. Ethan, random Party Qs for you since you commented: What's the most valuable thing to buy at the dollar store? My answer is candy haha
Ethan Brooks
@daveschools_ Haha, candy's a good one! Gotta be that or books. I once caught a copy of the 4-Hour Chef at a dollar store. I believe it was from a defect batch because the colors on the cover were off. Anyways, that book taught me to cook. Best money I've spent
Logan Riley
Love Party Qs! Keep up the great work @daveschools_ !
George Novik
Wow, these conversation starters are perfect for any social gathering! With the Party Qs web app, I always have interesting topics to talk about. Plus, it's free! Highly recommend giving it a try.
Michael Marra
Super cool product, congrats @daveschools_ and @cpdehli
Joel Hansen
Congrats on the launch!
Logan Rabe
We've been waiting a long time for this! So stoked that Party Q's is going mainstream!
Amardeep Parmar
This looks awesome! Huge fan of PartyQs
Brett Wischow
Congrats @daveschools_ this is awesome! Considering I no longer have any social skills after a few years of remote work, this is going to save me a lot of awkwardness.