
Product Fit - Measure product/market fit in app with your users.


Product fit is the Product/Market fit engine for SaaS companies. Measure and track the PMF of your SaaS application in app with your users.
See your PMF score over time, identify the benefits and improvements to focus on from your target market users.

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Hi Product Hunters, Liam here the founder of Product fit! I first discovered the Product/Market fit engine a couple of years ago when Rahul Vohra of Superhuman published his blog on how Superhuman used this method to get to Product/Market fit - This set off a lightbulb for me as my last startup Surveybot was a horizontal survey tool. I have always wanted to build a dedicated insights service that follows a proven methodology and the PMF engine was the perfect method for me. I believe the product experience is much better without having to come up with questions and using a proven method creates consensus within teams. Fast forward and Product fit is now ready for you to start measuring Product/Market fit with your users. I have started with in app surveys as I know from experience the response rates will be significantly higher than email based surveys. Product fit is FREE for now as I am looking for early adopters to continue trying and giving their feedback so feel free to sign up and get tracking.
Aadhitthyaa Hari Gopal
@startupsmith Amazing! Quite a lot of PMs have been impacted positively after reading the blog by Rahul Vohra!
Eivind Håverstad
Looks like a great service. Any thoughts on how many respondents which is recommended to get value out of a PMF for early stage startups?
Thanks @eivindhaa the general rule is to have 40 responses to have any meaning. It will also depend on how many of those 40 responses are in your target market.
Eivind Håverstad
@startupsmith Thanks! Heard of the PMF questions from the book Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis. Seems like your tool gives this method a great structure in order to answere If the business are headed in the right direction.
Justin Soong
Structured methods of collecting product feedback is so important, the ability for product management to quickly prioritise to create customer delight. Love the low touch aspect of this
Nelson Shaw
Product fit has made it effortless for us to keep track of our product/market fit. Automatically doing the survey in app has increased our response rate by up to 30%. Since it’s a dedicated tool for the product/market fit survey it takes all the work out of analyzing the responses and identifying personas. I highly recommend it for any SaaS who wants to run the product/market fit survey with their users.
Adi Joseph Shmorak
I'm a product/market fit mentor and this tool looks like a great way for my customers to monitor their progress. Will definitely take a close look.
@adi_joseph_shmorak great to hear thank you!
Hi everyone, no sure why Product Hunt is showing the product as no longer available but if you'd like to check it out go to
Very love it
Victor B
As a startup founder still looking for Product Market Fit, I love the idea. Brilliant idea @startupsmith cant wait to install on my app