Sergey Ulankin

RAWG API — Largest Games Database - Plug our data and play with your users


There are two types of companies: hoarders and givers. RAWG is the largest video game database and game discovery service. And we are gladly sharing our 350,000+ games, search, and machine learning recommendations with the world. Enjoy!

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Sergey Ulankin
We have gathered a ton of data about games. Now it is free to play! I am glad to share our revamped and fully open API with the Product Hunt community. We are sure that there are lots of developers and researchers how would very much like to study it, build an app, or just have a look at our dataset. It is free for non-commercial use, enjoy! We will be happy to hear out your ideas of how this data can be used and what use cases you see for our API. If you are a business and you think you can make some good use of this, we are open for your ideas too. Just drop us a line to
Michail Ger
Dozens of tons of games, any platforms, any genres, ratings and recommendations. If you are using more than one game platform RAWG is must have.
Ive been using RAWGs API for my now defunct and soon-to-be remade bot for the subreddit r/gamingsuggestions (the one shown in the presentation). its awsome because i can access their search in case people misspell a games name, it has a lot of small/old games missing form other sites and now they added support for series which im looking to implementing. all around a great experience, especially now that there is official documentation for the API
Sabur Ibragimov
Nice to see alot of good old games from my childhood! Great work!