
Recordia - Simple audio recorder that lives in your macOS menu bar

Recordia lets you record audio directly from the menu bar or with a global keyboard shortcut. This can be useful for recording voice memos, meetings, lectures, interviews, phone calls, voice-overs, and more.

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Sindre Sorhus
Hey PH. I made this one in a few evenings because I needed the satisfaction of finishing something. I have made a few menu bar apps in the past, so it's kind of my specialty. The app is intentionally simple and opinionated for ease of use. I've picked the best lossy and lossless audio formats and presets (balancing quality, size, and compatibility), so you don't have to think about it. I'm also considering adding an input volume slider to the menu. Let me know if that would be useful to you. I'm happy to receive feature requests or other feedback either here or through the “Send Feeback” button in the app.
Sindre Sorhus
@jonbstrong The latest version now has "launch at login" functionality.
Arturo Ojeda
Congrats on the launch @sindresorhus ! 🥳.. I would gladly pay for a one time fee on your product if it had an option to automatically upload the audio files to something like Google Drive and provide me with an unlisted, shareable link to be pasted it on communication systems like Slack o Basecamp. All the best.
Sindre Sorhus
@aojedal I unfortunately don't intend to do this. There are lots of existing apps for sharing audio and files. If I were to do this, I would have support both Google Drive, Dropbox, and more, or do my own cloud hosting (which is super hard). However, you can achieve want. Just let Recordia reveal the recording in Finder when done, right-click the file, and then select "Share using Google Drive". More info. I'll try to think of ways to make it easier to share a recording though. Maybe I could show the last recording in the menu with a share sub-menu containing share services.
Arturo Ojeda
@sindresorhus fair enough!. An easier option to share from the sub-menu sounds like a great step forward. All the best.
Sindre Sorhus
@aojedal The latest version now has the share menu I mentioned.
Julien Le Coupanec
Thank you, Sindre! This is very useful! By the way, I was looking a few weeks ago for a simple proxy app for Mac that also lives in the menu bar. Something to quickly change the current proxy, see which one is used, etc. Do you know something that is close to this?
Sindre Sorhus
@julien_le_coupanec I'm not aware of any Mac app for this, unfortunately. But if you use Alfred, I found this: https://github.com/lululau/proxy...
Brian Roach
Very cool. Can it capture system audio like WavTap could? https://github.com/pje/WavTap
Sindre Sorhus
@itsbrex Not directly, as that's not possible for apps in the App Store, but you can achieve it by installing a helper app.
Amariyana Adams
Sweetcode Lab
Recordia looks really practical, it will be so interesting to try it in action!
David Dias
@sindresorhus Simple and useful as always. Thanks for this new app (and all the others) 😉
Rodrigo Navarrete
Hey @sindresorhus this is very helpful! I would like to help you with a Spanish translation for the app strings. How can we get in touch? Cheers!
Sindre Sorhus
@rodrigo_navarrete I don't have any immediate plans to localize the app, but thanks for offering.
Justina Marie
Yay! Easy to use and comes in handy.
Pavel Shokhirev
@sindresorhus I currently use Backtrack for a similar solution - it has two main issues for me and I would definitely be happy to pay a single time fee if you beat them to the solution: 1) External headphones are super painful. Let's say we are just talking about airpods pro/not it doesn't matter. Opening Backtrack when airpods are connected switches the earphones into 1channel mode and any music just begins to sound horrible. I haven't tested recordia yet, but I would imagine you might face a similar issue. 2) Now, this is a big one, but I occasionally want to record system audio whilst sitting in a meeting/listening to music in my earphones. I have tried to use Blackhole/Soundflower & LadioCast - I managed to get things working to record both my microphone and system audio with Backtrack. It's however just annoying to always switch over manually from Speakers to headphones within the LadioCast app and decide how to route the sound. IMO, sound should always be routed through headphones if they are connected if they are not it should switch back to computer mic + speakers and record system audio from that if that option is selected. One thought about this - is that you could ship your own helper extension similar to how amphetamine does it that would let you escape the app store sandboxing? Would appreciate you looking into those issues! Regards
Sindre Sorhus
@pashashocky I understand your frustration with audio and device handling on macOS. But many of your complaints here are simply out of the hands of third-party app devs. This is something Apple needs to fix. 1. This might be helpful: https://apple.stackexchange.com/... 2. Recording system audio correctly is really complicated. There's just no way I'm going to open that can of worms. I would recommend opening issues on Blackhole if you see anything there that could be made simpler/better.
Jonathan Baillie Strong
Love this tool! A particularly useful alternative to recording audio with Quicktime Player. I run a podcast production agency and we're always looking to simplify the process of recording "double enders" for our clients - so I can see how this Recordia will come in handy. (see this video to see what I'm referring to: https://youtu.be/-3YDNu_ICRM?t=342)