As a producer and host of three podcasts, one of my biggest pet peeve is achieving frictionless ways to engage with the listeners. Remarks allows for insightful, yet fun (GIFs!) interaction. As a host, I can also interject links at specific times, something that is a bit of a pain on Soundcloud and that the lack of chaptering standards precludes me from doing on iTunes and other platforms (Marco Arment said he wouldn't support them on Overcast for instance). I'm interested to hear thoughts from other podcasters here too!
@papadimitriou thanks for submitting Remarks. We're looking to make it easy to have conversations about podcasts - both host -> fans and fans <-> fans.
Hi, founder of Remarks here.
I created the app because I listen to podcasts at least an hour a day and wanted a way to talk with other fans about the ideas and guests that excite me. When a guest would be introduced, I want to see their picture, maybe browse through their tweets. When the host makes an interesting point I want to talk about it.
This is what Remarks lets you do.
I'm really excited to hear what the podcasting community thinks of the app, we launched about a month ago and are hungry to make this thing great. Happy to answer any questions. If any of you are podcast hosts and would like a 'verified' account, please email me at and we'll get you setup.
@remarks also, we have a partner program for podcast hosts where we do $150 in free co-promotional advertising for your podcast if you agree to try out Remarks and engage with your audience.
@msitver Michael, I'd be happy to. let me know your remarks username and I'll verify your account. email me at and we can get plan the copy/demographics/timing of the advertising.
This is an interesting idea - a lot like the chat feature twitch has on its recorded streams now. Is the thought process this would be primarily utilized for live podcasts or will it also have the option to eventually see and add to the conversation that took place on back logged podcasts? I guess I'm interested if this is more of a message board idea or a time stamped conversation that follows along with the podcast. Seems like the latter is a little more compelling because it introduced the capacity for context. Lots of potential.
@davenukem hi Dave, its intended to be the latter. As you listen to an episode, the posts that were left during that minute of the episode are featured. Everything is time stamped to when it was posted.
@adamontherun awesome! I would love to see this get heavy adoption. 90% of the reason I love the twit network is the chat room that's running consistently throughout the podcasts! Downloading now.
@adamontherun which podcasts have the most comments? It would be nice to see which see which podcasts are getting the most engagement so we could check them out or subscribe.
@jameswahba YES! I'd like to make it easy for people to discover podcasts based on what podcasts are getting the most posts and what your friends listen to.
@jameswahba we just released a new version of Remarks yesterday that has a 'Featured and Trending' screen where you can find the podcasts with the most comments in the past 24 hours. Would love to hear your feedback.
As a producer/host of a podcast instant feedback would be awesome. It can be tough to know if you are hitting the mark when you are speaking into a void.
@jfrostholm hi Jason, thanks for the kind words. If you'd like to engage your audience with Remarks, I can get you a verified account and help promote your podcast
@jfrostholm hi Jason, we just released a new version of the Remarks app where you can view all of the comments / likes your posts have gotten. should help get a measure of the engagement you're seeing from your listeners.
@mrsharma Nik, its similar to Anchor in that people respond to audio content. We're focused on discussions around established podcasts and less as a publishing platform.
I think this is HUGE, coming from someone who avidly listens to podcasts while working out or on the drive to work. Whenever I want to discuss a podcast with someone else it's really hard to pinpoint at what point something was said. This can also be a really good conversation starter for companies where several people want to discuss or implement something that was talked over during the podcast.
What kind of new interactions are you looking to create with/for users? I would love to be able to check out what my friends are listening to or when they make a new remark on something.
@piero_ruiz hi Pedro, we're of a similar mind. The next feature we'll be adding are notifications for when someone likes or comments on your post. This is sorely lacking right now. We're thinking hard about a 'follow' model, but haven't figured out something that will deliver a great experience yet.
@piero_ruiz hi Pedro, we've just released a new version of the app that has an activity feed, so you can see all the likes and replies your posts have gotten... along with push notifications. One of our next features will be to include more info about what your FB friends are upto on Remarks
@netwire I'm really excited that you like the idea. If you'd like to try the app with your audience, I can get you setup with a verified account. We also have a partners program where we give you a free $150 in co-promotional advertising
This is great idea. Always wanted to hear other listener thoughts. Not sure if the podcast is only streaming because the app might just suck up all the data if the user is not on Wi-Fi.
@ninerdelta Matt, thank you so much for your kind words. If we get enough traction with our iOS app, Android will be the next platform we build out. Nothing planned for the short term though (2-3 months).
@slackerini hi John, thanks for the kind words. We decided to launch with a bare bones player and really focus on the social aspects. As we go, we'll be adding in a more full-featured player with variable playback, queues, etc.
@adamontherun being a podcatcher can be dismissed by some as "being a feature not a product". How would you counteract Apple liking some of your features and implementing them?
@tapefinder Apple has proved great at making the best devices in the world with some solid apps. but when it comes to social, they haven't fared as well. As our core offering is social, this one doesn't have me too worried.
Google Ventures did a design sprint with Gimlet media exploring a similar idea. They posted a video about it which might have some insights you can learn from.
@ianmikutel thanks Ian, I remember Alex talking about this exercise in an episode of Startup, but didn't remember they played around with the idea of hosts posting content in app and users replying. I'll have to let them know they can try Remarks.
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