Niv Dror

Money Badger by StockTwits - A simple, fun, no-BS beginner’s guide to investing 📈


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Niv Dror
From the Medium post Introducing Money Badger: "Think of Money Badger as a newspaper’s business section, but for someone who never read the business section before" — love it 💫
Scott Steinhardt
This week, @StockTwits launched Money Badger, a news site for people who don't know anything about investing. Sure, there are finance sites out there right now that cater to "millennial" and the 18-35 demographic. Unfortunately, they use terms like "millennials" and "18-35 demographic" and lose the interest of readers immediately. For most people, going on a finance site or reading a paper's business section is a real drag and confusing AF. At Money Badger, we take the confusion out of business and finance, helping people who've never invested before buy their first share of stock. We won't sell anything. We won't say which stocks to buy. We'll simply provide short, easy-to-read, and informative bits about the basics of money, how to hopefully make more of it on the market, and how to avoid getting bogged down by data and paying attention to what's important.
Erik van Mechelen
@scottfromny @stocktwits love the concept, gonna check out your content a little more and give some feedback 🚀
Paul Shuteyev
Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger-Badger. Snake, oh, it's a snaaaaaa-aaake! :) P.S. Cool stuff guys!
Matthew Boyle
Easy to digest news. Very nice idea.
David Feng
There's some great content there. Keep up the good work! @scottfromny