Espree Devora šŸŽ™

Stereo App - The future of podcasting, an audio only social network

Host your own live talk radio show on your phone or listen in to other people's convos. Customize a unique avatar then Stereo automatically pairs you with conversation partners in seconds and starts live broadcasting your convo. Audio only social networking.

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Alexander Spoor
Looks wonderful! Any plans to drop this in Europe too soon (the NL to be specific)? :)
Espree Devora šŸŽ™
@alexanderspoor Not sure... @paulvato do you know when they may spread into Europe?
Paul Vato
@alexanderspoor it is my understanding that it is in the US, Canada and the UK for now. Iā€™m not sure what the future holds. I will try to find out.
Alexander Spoor
@paulvato Alright, pls do let me know if you find out! :)
Espree Devora šŸŽ™
Found this via Paul Vato, a peer in the podcasting space. He's in the comedy scene and his comedian friends knew about it. Feels like the future of audio and social networking. The conversations aka "broadcasts" you listen into are so vulnerable and real. At least the ones I heard. Anyone can be a host or a listener or both. It's a wild experience to listen into what feels like a private convo. Listeners can leave a voice memo that the hosts can air on the broadcast. The customized avatars are cool. It feels like trust happens fast because of the voice exchange and not being judged on what someone looks like since you can't see one another, only avatars. Pretty rad! Plus the sign up process is super fast and you can just start using right away. Only bug I found so far is adding your IG and Twitter links to your profile. They're also doing challenges where they pay people who have the most engaged audiences. I'm also really impressed with their audio quality. The broadcasts sound really great. This app makes it possible for absolutely anyone to have a podcast(radio show) fast.
Pete Cashmore
very cool. šŸŽ§
Espree Devora šŸŽ™
@petecashmore You are A LEGEND, this was my reaction while doing a Stereo broadcast when I saw your comment haha :) 30 second clip, (they just came out with an update to export 30 second video clips at any timestamp or to export the entire audio file)
Chris Messina
Epic domain!
Paul Vato
What a great and perfect review and thank you for the shout out @espreedevora! Looks like this is the thread where all the cool kids hang out, right @petecashmore?
Miriam Dorsett
This looks cool AF. Looking forward to trying it out!
this product is great. loving my podcast life already.
andrew Cordova
Ahbab Hussan Sejan
Cool One!! Hope It Doing Well In Future! Best Of Luck