Hey Product Hunt, looking forward to hearing what you think of Penny!
Penny started as a way to address some of our own pain points (I’m a six year user of the oh-so-antiquated Mint). We *hope* the result is a friendly, intuitive experience that helps you understand your spending better than you ever have!
Our vision is to do for personal finance what Google Now did for day-to-day life: surface personal, actionable insights exactly when you need them.
Alex and I are happy to answer any questions you have!
@dontmitch just signed up, and wanted to say I really like the interface. Taking a more conversational approach to mobile banking is really interesting. Curious to know, what specific pain points were you hoping to solve when you set out to build Penny?
@bshums Glad you like it!
First, existing solutions (Mint, BillGuard, Level) are really good about presenting your information graphically and really bad about helping you interpret that information. Second, we think traditional budgets are like News Year's resolutions: most people abandon them after about a month.
So those are the two big things we're trying to solve. We want to provide meaningful context to your finances and give you actionable advice on how to spend better without having to actually budget.
More context for anyone interested:
I've used Mint for 6 years and I have been a personal finance enthusiast long before that (h/t my dad). Unfortunately, Mint hasn't changed in about 5 years except for the inclusion of more ads. And it's pretty complex—there are over 100 different ways to categorize a transaction.
At some point I stopped and asked myself, "What value am I getting from painstakingly categorizing every one of my transactions?" and realized, I didn't have a good answer. Mint told me that 26% of my spending was on food, but I had no context on whether that was good or bad or why I should care.
I've also tried out Level and BillGuard, among others, but found them to be very budget-heavy. In my experience, most budgets are pretty noisy: you'll be under your clothing budget one month and then blow past it another month because that's just the nature of spending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Huge fan of how simple Penny is to use; my problem with most PFMs is that they take a ton of work to customize, categorize, etc before they actually become useful to me. Penny was one of the few that I tried that was immediately relevant (especially the side by side month comparison spending).
Two things:
1) Why no Canada?? :(
2) Why the name Penny? I swear ever PF app in the past 6 months has been named Penny. Seriously, is this the least creative space there is?
@staticsteven We're currently integrated with a few top US banks and are rolling out to more soon, but until we get more bank coverage you probably wouldn't find the app very useful. If you don't mind, what bank(s) do you use? We can see if we can support those faster.
re Penny: we've seen a few other similarly named apps that were just referring to the currency. I think ours is better because Penny is also a woman's name, so our reference goes two ways :)
1) Unfortunately there's a non-trivial amount of working to add support for other countries, and we started Penny from scratch just under 3 months ago. Hopefully we'll get to Canada soon though!
2) We settled on Penny because it was a play off of the one cent coin and was a catchy name for a person. We didn't realize there were any other Penny's out there to be honest; Facebook's MoneyPenny article landed after we had already soft launched.
@_jacksmith@dontmitch@imalexquach okay okay i spoke too soon, i apologize. I think I only had the impression that the name Penny was popular - maybe I just saw the Pennies app everywhere on the app store recently and that made me think there were a lot.
@imalexquach I would love to use this up in Canada as well—I think if you cover RBC and TD you're doing great. After that you can add BMO, CIBC, PC Financial, and Scotiabank and you basically account for everyone.
Great product. Love the onboarding. Unfortunately, only one of my banks is covered so it's back to Mint for me. Any idea when you'll integrate Simple and Capital One? Beautiful product!
@imalexquach Totally understandable. I love how simple it is using it with one of my accounts already, so it'll be staying on my phone and getting a lot of use. Love how reports are given in the friendly "chat" interface.
This looks fantastic - downloading now - I think that these types of conversational apps are going to be the next evolution in the mobile OS. Are you guys using AI or an actual person to communicate with users?
Sad that it's closing :( A great alternative I found is Empower, they have a pretty similar spend tracker feature and awesome transaction categories so it was an instant switch.
@kevinleehenry Totally agreed about conversation apps. We think it's an especially good fit in this case because we can present finances, widely considered unfriendly and byzantine, through a lens that anyone can understand (a conversation).
And we're using AI, although that's being a bit to kind to the technology. We actually lead users through dynamic conversations, so there's no NLP at work (yet).
Support for many more banks should be on the order of weeks and not months. Sorry we can't be more specific than that—it turns out bank integrations can get pretty tricky! @timithmcdoyle@merekdavis@michalnaka
I just downloaded Penny and I love it so far! The conversational approach to on-boarding is really well done, but I think it could be improved by providing users with a clear path to recover from errors/reverse actions. For example, I selected the option to add another bank account while I was waiting for my transactions by accident and then didn't have any way to recover/reverse that action. I hope that's helpful.
Great job @dontmitch@imalexquach :)
(Also, +1 for supporting Simple accounts.)
@seriousallie Thanks for the feedback! Backing out of actions would be really nice to have, and it's on our (huge) list of features to build. Thanks again!
I have been using this app since very early broken alpha and it's shaped up to be an amazing app. This has pretty much replaced my needs from Mint. I still use LearnVest, but my needs from Mint/Billguard are covered. I have a nice overview of all my accounts. Graphics and breakdowns of my spending. Transaction history to look through, simple categorization. Lets me spend 5 mins to know exactly what's going on in my finances.
The guys are great, and know how to build top notch apps and products. This app is only a few months old and already making progress in my eyes.
I can answer any questions about how I use it and how it benefits me over Mint, etc, if people want to know.
Disclaimer: Friend and former co-worker of founders.
Hey @dontmitch and @imalexquach, checked out Penny this morning, excited to give it a try! A few questions for you:
1) How do you guys make money?
2) Can you add a password or PIN code needed to open the app so others don't use my phone and dive into my finances?
3) How do I change the category that something's in?
4) How'd you guys build this? React Native?
@zackshapiro great questions!
1. Our cost per user is pretty low right now, so we haven't monetized yet. That said, our strong preference is to make money using a subscription model. Mint, Level, etc. all make money by selling your information to advertisers; it's great in that allows them to provide their services for free, but it also doesn't sit well with us.
2. We've gotten quite a few requests for this, so we'll be adding that option soon.
3. When in your history view, click on the category icon for any transaction. That will let you quickly switch between different categories. The third animation on our marketing page (https://www.pennyapp.io/) has an example. (We'll also be adding better education around this.)
4. We built the frontend using React + Cordova, which allowed us to ship Android and iOS apps within two weeks of starting. We're only a two person team right now, so we didn't have the bandwidth or desire to go fully native right off the bat.
Let me know if you want more depth on any of those!
@dontmitch Thanks for the quick response Mitchell. Glad to see you're not selling my financial data away. I'd be off Penny ASAP if you were. Looking forward to using this!
@dontmitch I was more asking if I could switch something from Everything Else to Food, for example. Doesn't look like there's a way to do this at the moment
@zackshapiro I think this is what you're looking for:
That let's you switch the category to whatever you like (or ignore the transaction altogether). Again, we'll make the user education better moving forward, sorry about that!
Liked the initial tutorial and concept of this. Unfortunately no Capital One support yet, so it won't be useful for me at the moment. Are you planning to send some kind of push notification or e-mail when specific banks users ask for become available?
I love the walk through and the very approachable interactivity of it all. I left a 5-star review in the App Store and am going to give it a whirl. :-)
This app is so well executed. It's amazing.
Love the conversational on boarding that let me gain more trust with the app as we progressed through the conversation.
Props to the whole team.
Love the interface and the fact that it's based on chat interface, I think it's a great way to subtly get into a consumers daily life. Also Mitchell loved your thoughts on your PH launch on your blog, great going 😄
This app is great so far - I am really enjoying the UI. Chatting with Penny makes dealing with my finances feel less like a chore :) as a semi-frustrated Mint user, I am glad you don't try to give me budgets (since they just don't really work for me). Do you have an alternative to budgeting?
@lizziegwagner :) Happy that Penny's working out for you! re: alternatives to budgeting: based on the feedback we've been getting so far, we've found that Penny can change people's spending habits just by helping them stay in closer touch with their finances. Penny delivers a useful insight into your spending almost every time you visit, which means that over time, you gain an intuitive understanding of where your money is going and how your behavior could change. Some of the insights are as simple as telling someone they spend $300/mo on Uber or have a bunch of fees/bills they've been unknowingly paying for months—multiple users have learned stuff like this from Penny, done a mental double take, and changed their behavior. For these users, knowing is 80% of the battle ;) We want to make this keeping-in-touch experience as amazing as possible before considering budgeting, because like you said budgets don't work for some people.
@imalexquach@lizziegwagner I can vouch for this approach to be working for me. Penny's simple and timely insights into my spending is helping me slowly change my behavior. I don't have to provide a lot of input for the app to be useful for me and I have started to love the app for that reason alone.
I've been using this app for awhile now, and it just keeps getting better - at a pretty amazing rate. I love getting the occasional push notifications of my transactions, because in the past I have been bad at checking my statement at the end of the month. It also hits what I want right on the nose, to consistently spend an overall amount a month (I don't really want/follow a more granular budget than that) Overall, super pleased with the app.
The one thing that I have noticed is that I actually have 2 chase credit cards, so when I go to look at my spending on the cards, I have no way of knowing which is which, as they both show up as "Chase Credit". Do you have plans to make that a little more clear?
@ydawant Glad to hear you're having a good time! Getting that push is pretty clutch for casual, quick review of your spending over the last day.
Regarding two Chase cards: we never considered that edge case before. We'll fix it ASAP :)
@imalexquach sounds great about the cards edge case. As for the push notifications - honestly I failed to check regularly before I had them enabled. Guess I needed a little reminding :)
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