View today’s schedule right from the menu bar. The perfect companion to the built-in Calendar app. You can also quickly join video calls. The app is free and requires macOS 13.
Hey PH. I love making menu bar apps. I currently maintain a popular paid calendar app called Dato. As a weekend project, I wanted to try to make the simplest menu bar calendar app possible. This is the result. I hope some of you find it useful.
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@sindresorhus Congrats on the launch. I've been following you in the open source community for a long time, and I just found out a while ago that you're also a great Indie Hacker! great job on Today
Hi!! Congratulations on the launch of your startup on the Product Hunt! 🤗 Looks like you've did a great job! I've just got a single inquiry. What is your traction?
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