Lynn Fredricks

Valentina Studio 14 - Free Database Management; Multi-Platform Reporting & Forms

Manage MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MariaDB, SQLite, MongoDB and more. In Studio PRO, design Reports and Forms on macOS | Windows | Linux. Script in JS & Python & deploy for free. Leave FileMaker Pro & MS Access behind forever.

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Lynn Fredricks
Welcome to Valentina Studio 14! This major release incorporates Python scripting across all major features of the Valentina product line, including Valentina Forms, Valentina Reports and also for ValentinaDB stored procedures on Valentina Server. The support for Python includes use of third party libraries, including the 160+ that come with Python and incorporated into the Python implementation for Valentina. As with previous releases, Viewer (available on Linux, macOS & Windows) is included in the free version, so you can share interactive Reports and also, Valentina Forms with an unlimited number of colleagues.
Konrad S.
I'm using DBeaver CE currently, what would be the advantages of Valentina? Looks nice in any case!
Lynn Fredricks
@konrad_sx Hi Konrad! Thanks for asking. I think if you look at the base comparison between CE and Pro, you'll find that a number of features supported by DBeaver PRO are supported by our free version, such as MongoDB support. You can test out most features of PRO in our free version. Ultimately, it will come down to your projects. In the tools market, sometimes you need a specific feature and its absence makes the decision for you.
Konrad S.
@lynnfredricks Thanks for the explanation. I'm mostly using Postgres. Will check Valentina out when I have time!
Lynn Fredricks
@konrad_sx Great! Are you working with the Postges 17 beta?
Konrad S.
@lynnfredricks No, using 16. Why?
Lynn Fredricks
@konrad_sx Mostly just curious. It looks like 17 final won't be here until September. A fair number of our users are using Postgres.
congrats on the launch. incorporating python across Valentina Studio 14 is an interesting move. how do you see this enhancement improving the efficiency of typical database management tasks for your users?
Lynn Fredricks
@mashy Hi Albert! Valentina Studio is far more than a database management tool. Valentina Studio PRO vastly expands what you can do. You can create reports (similar to Crystal Reports) that can be used within the Valentina ecosystem. This includes internally to both PRO AND Studio. Studio includes a free Report Viewer, granting unlimited cross platform deployment. Also, Valentina Reports can be hosted on Valentina Server or deployed with a Valentina Reports ADK within applications, royalty free. Reports work with all our supported data sources. Parameters can also be incorporated into Reports to allow a user to get customizable results within Report Viewer. You can create scriptable forms (similar to Access or Filemaker) using Python or Javascript, also with the same deployment situation as with reports, which is free deployment on Windows, macOS & Linux. Forms can also work with reports as well. Forms works with all our supported data sources except MongoDB (that's coming). Valentina Server (which incorporates several servers, including Reports Server, Forms Server, ValentinaDB Server & SQLite Server) has also gained full Python support for stored procedures. There's a free evaluation version of that, and academic users can use the free version for deployment. This Python support is especially useful because it supports included (about 164), custom and third party libraries, so every Valentina object potentially can be expanded with what those libraries do. Also with Forms, you have a purposeful, tight UI in which to create custom solutions (it sits on top of Qt). Studio already has a broad palette of features for database management. They've been getting updates for a very long time. More are coming. That said, you could feasibly use Valentina Forms to create your own custom management tools. The free 'Database Documentation' tool is an example of using Valentina Forms + Valentina Reports together.