I hunted this back in March 2015, 9 months ago, when it was originally released! https://www.producthunt.com/tech... Glad to see this is getting the attention today!
@nichlaswa I thought "what about my car?" and wanted to get some for my rear bumper. When I went to your reference, Albedo100 has a permanent paint that WON'T wash off every week. That's a much better deal. Also, Volvo's product doesn't seem to be available outside England and Bretagne.
Very creative! It looks nice but would people really spray that paint on their clothes? You can also wear a reflective jacket and make sure your lights are working...
@inlovewith01 Pretty sure the reason it's awesome is because of this: "Making the invisible, visible. LifePaint washes off, and will not damage the colour or the surface of your chosen material, lasting more than a week of normal usage" (from the website).
Cool move!
I am an old guy with typical contrast vision loss and rarely drive at night. My greatest fear is hitting someone my contrast cannot see. Get this product.
Wonder if the self driving car team was like "We're on schedule, but bikers at night are impossible for the sensors to pick up". Then some other team went to go build Life Paint. Solving an internal problem then shipping it out to the masses.
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