Drew Pilat

Exhale - Exhale negative thoughts into the void


Type a negative thought and watch it shoot off into space.
Observe other bad vibes being ejected into the great beyond.

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Tommy Searle
I’m so proud :,)
Marissa Hovasse
yay!! i love the community aspect ✨
Drew Pilat
Exhale is a weekend project by the Wellnest Team. We hope you enjoy :D Fun Fact #1: An intergalactic void is pushing the Milky Way and Andromeda at insane speeds through the Universe. Fun Fact #2: Voids are large-scale underdense regions, but they're not actually devoid of matter. Fun Fact #3: At nearly 330 million light-years in diameter (0.27% of the diameter of the observable Universe) the Boötes void is the largest-known void in the Universe, and is referred to as a supervoid. The center of the Boötes void is about 700 million light-years from Earth. Remember to shout your bad vibes at a therapist or friend if you're struggling :) Desktop only!
Ali Merkl
This is so satisfying, I'm obsessed
Atharva Talpade
This feels so nice