Chris Messina

Wunderlist Year in Review - 570 million to-dos in 2015. How many of those were yours?


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Chris Messina
Here's mine:
Ben Tossell
@chrismessina Friday most productive?! Putting things off until the end of the week I see ;) then panic because its the weekend haha :p
Polly Davidson
@chrismessina Impressive amount of to-dos. Good work!
Ben Tossell
I wonder if these Year In Review things would also work in shorter time frames... e.g. month in review, 3 mths, 6 mths etc
Chad Fowler
@bentossell I think we (at Wunderlist) might try it. I believe it would be interesting for me as a heavy Wunderlist user.
Ben Tossell
@chadfowler yeh I think it would be pretty cool!
Ben Tossell
@imcatnoone you use Wunderlist right? What did yours look like?