Dank Mono

Dank Mono

The coding typeface for aesthetes
49 reviews

What is Dank Mono?

A typeface designed for coding aesthetes with modern displays in mind. Delightful ligatures and an italic variant and bold style.

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4.1/5 based on 49 reviews
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Konstantin BIFERT
6 reviews
Really nice font, love everything in it and as contrary of what everybody says, it's quite beautiful. 👍🏻
21 reviews

It looks really good if you're a fan of certain things about your fonts. Also italic version is something some people will definitely enjoy.

But nothing beats Menlo in my book 🤷🏻‍♂️

Elior Boukhobza
16 reviews

While I understand that it's okay to get paid for your hard work, with all the opensource alternatives I find it too bad to ask for money when it's clearly not made for businesses. Welp, good work anyway.

Noel Tock
8 reviews

Contrary to other views, I'm happy to support this project and £40 really isn't much in that regard — not everything has to be open-source/free. Thanks for creating this Phil.

Oliver Turner
4 reviews

My code has never looked more spiffing.

I was initially concerned that ligatures would be confusing, but nothing could be further from the case: if anything I'm concerned about not having the visual affordance now!

I love it.

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