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Hatch Apps automates software development, enabling you to launch mobile and web apps for a tenth of the cost of hiring a software development agency.
📲 All apps built on Hatch are native
🚀 Launch to iOS, Android and the web. Simultaneously.
✏️ Make app edits that go live instantly. No more waiting for app store approvals.
🎯 Send targeted push notifications, manage app users and track analytics.
🔗 Don’t worry about hosting or app store submissions— we take care of it.
💰 Save thousands of dollars on app development and maintenance.
When “technical” and “non-technical” people collaborate, everyone always asks themselves one critical question: Are we even speaking the same language?
That’s why we created this digital resource called How to Talk Tech, helping bridge communication gaps, and help non-technical people everywhere get in on the C++ jokes in no time.
Review Hatch Apps?
I'm a non-technical person who works with developers on my team and I've also managed a from-scratch product build. So I know the languages and vocab pretty well. I wasn't expecting to go through so many flash cards! It was pretty fun and I couldn't stop. I'm going to send this to early stage founder friends who are managing tech product builds, plus my own dev team so they can send to non-technical people (marketing, etc) they work with.
Hatch is a really great product for those without technical talent or technical bandwidth on their team. You can go to Hatch with just an idea, and in 30 minutes, you can design a fully functional application using the design editor and CMS. Once you decide to deploy, you instantly get a web app, an Android app within an hour or two, and an iOS in about two days.
I built my first app with hatch, and as someone without a ton of programming ability I was still able to create the app I wanted to own and grow. the Hatch team was insanely responsive as well to answer questions or hear my ideas for features and functionalities. Hatch spared me An unimaginable amount of money and really sparked my imagination when thinking of how people engage with apps. Could not say enough about what they are creating for people
I am excited to see how growing businesses are able to leverage Hatch.