Ideaverse for Obsidian

Ideaverse for Obsidian

A Starter Kit to Manage Your Whole Life
45 reviews

What is Ideaverse for Obsidian?

Ideaverse for Obsidian is a space—and system—for linked digital notes. Open it in Obsidian. It has 300+ notes that are linked 1000+ times. It's the world's most downloaded kit for linked notes (70,000+). And it's free. Explore, experiment, & learn by doing.

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4.96/5 based on 45 reviews
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Karen Hume (Profound Journey)
1 review
Linking Your Thinking is right up there with Apple as a company that gets it all brilliantly right every single time. Ideaverse for Obsidian continues that tradition and, like new Apple products, represents a giant innovative leap forward in the PKM world. The similarities between Linking Your Thinking and Apple continue in that both of their founders were/are brilliant, creative men. It differs in Nick Milo being one of the most thoughtful, responsive and genuinely awesome human beings I've had the privilege to meet online; hopefully, someday, in person. Thank you for the gift of Ideaverse for Obsidian, Nick and team. 💕 It's my birthday tomorrow and there's no better gift than the huge shot of creative inspiration that Ideaverse for Obsidian provides.
Deborah Robson
1 review
Quite a few years ago my research reach exceeded my grasp and I began looking for more robust solutions to recording my findings in ways that I could retrieve and use them as needed. That led me through quite a few systems, landing ultimately in Nick Milo's community (I have to call it that, because it is), first through his free videos and the online conference he organizes and ultimately signing up for his full online course to refine my efforts. My own system continues to evolve, and I am getting more comfortable with it. And in short, if Nick says, "Try this," I'll try it, and take away the components that enhance my own growing process. Anyway, thanks to Nick for all the good stuff--on both the technical and the community sides.
2 reviews
When I first discovered Obsidian about 3 years ago, Nick's previous versions of the Ideaverse for Obsidian kits (first called IMF and later LYT kit) were how I started to wrap my head around how I could use Obsidian in my own life. Being able to explore his sample vault was a great way to not just discover how he organised his notes and his thinking, but it also gave me some insight in what makes good notes. I'm always excited to play with the newest version and see how Nick's thoughts about and working in his PKM have evolved and developed from the previous version. It gives me ideas (sparks) about what to experiment with and adapt for my own ideaverse. Having seen some previews of this newest edition, thank you @nickmilo and team for the massive value you always provide with your free kit.
Gene Vann
1 review
Tremendous distillation of PKM thought — a result of YEARS of hard work, effort, concentration, diligence, and refinement. Outstanding. What a triumph. This is going to help me think through my own personal knowledge management workflows; today's release is especially timely for me. Good on you, Nick. Cheers!
Tommy Williams
3 reviews
I have enjoyed watching as Nick and the Linking Your Thinking team have created and iterated on this approach, and this starter kit has grown to be an exceptional tool. I'm very excited to see this and look forward to using the long weekend ahead to dive in and learn more about generating, organizing, and sharing ideas.
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