

Generating fun emails within couple clicks
2 reviews

What is MagicMail?

Send greetings, quirky invitations, or thank-yous from any fictional universe. Type your message, pick a theme—movie, book, or your own creation—and let AI craft the perfect email. Deliver directly from your Gmail account to multiple recipients. Perfect for fun holidays, unique invitations, and surprise moments. Make every email magical with MagicMail!

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3.5/5 based on 2 reviews


Krazy Kasper
1 review
Great idea. Tried it to send a thank you message. Love the idea of mixing text with verbiage, however the text that it generated (I asked it to generate a thank you note to the individual who hosted a Christmas party and those who contributed to making it joyful) was way off the mark. Not sure where it got the grammar but it was not what I expected, and I could not edit the text.
Mike K
1 review
Produced a professional looking output with little effort. Pay as you use is a good feature rather than a subscription. Hope to see additional features in the future. Great start and worth the cost.