

Learn faster with 1-on-1 mentoring from an expert
10 reviews

What is Openmind?

Openmind matches you with an expert mentor, who guides you 1-on-1 via unlimited text messaging to help you more quickly reach your goals — whether you’re looking to learn something new, grow your career, build a business, launch a side project, etc. Openmind is available both on web (click "Get a mentor" on the homepage) and iOS

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5/5 based on 10 reviews
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26 reviews

I used the product for close to a month. The idea is brilliant and the support is quick to react.

In my case, the mentor wouldn't respond often. When I asked for my subscription to cancel, it was cancelled immediately (even though I paid for until end of the month) and no refunds were given because "as we've already paid your mentor for the first month". I think mentors lack incentive to perform well.

I am still a fan of the platform and I think with some modification it could become much better.

Cliff Weitzman
2 reviews

Been searching for something like this for ages.

Charles Postiaux
2 reviews
Michael Small
1 review

Creates benefits for both the student and the mentor. The student learns, the mentor gets experience and the feeling of helping someone. It's difficult for many to stay away from their smart-phones... this encourages less brainless app scrolling and more learning.

Karel Petrak
1 review

Benefiting from a mentor experience helps you advance faster.

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