Skills Over Paper

Skills Over Paper

A Database of Top Tier Developers | Gamified Resume For Devs
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What is Skills Over Paper?
Skills Over Paper has a database of over 44k developers and growing everyday. These developers are high quality with exceptional projects and experience, and 90% of them are in the US. To companies, we offer the ability to search our database and contact, interview, and hire developers with NO contingency fees. We only charge $300/month. For developers, we offer a data rich resume that will elevate your personal brand to the next level with built in gamified learning tracks.
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Skills Over Paper
For companies/recruiters, we offer the ability to search our database of 44k+ developers and contact, interview, and hire with NO contingency fees. For developers, we offer a data rich resume with built in gamified learning.
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Skills Over Paper
Skills Over Paper is an intelligent vetting pipeline for remote developers. We screen developers on communication skills, basic coding skills, social proof, and analyze their projects and courses for highly specific skillsets.
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