Unique and powerful suite of software to run your entire business, brought to you by a company with the long term vision to transform the way you work.
I made Tyke because when I'm working I often need a little of scratch paper to jot something down.
Sometimes it's becasue I need to paste it someplace or other times it's because I just want to clear the formatting and edit it.
I used to use a new text editor window for that job. Now I don't have to.
notin helps you in reminding things you need to do, random numbers you do not want to save in your contacts and many more through the help of Notifications. The reminder doesn't pop-up or rings, it just sits there and still does it's job most efficiently.
Notesmartly is a free app which makes organizing your stuff a breeze. Notebooks, ability to draw using Scribbpads, Wideboards to collaborate in real time and more.