8:30PM - 1 Date per night

8:30PM - 1 Date per night

1 match per day, Date at 8:30PM
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What is 8:30PM - 1 Date per night?
Matches on existing dating apps linger in the matched state with no conversations. We have to fix -> The Match-to-conversation ratio. We shift the incentives. You match a max of 1 match/day, then have to attend your video date at 8:30PM (or they disappear).
8:30PM - 1 Date per night media 1

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8:30PM - 1 Date per night
Matches on existing dating apps linger in the matched state with no conversations. We have to fix -> The Match-to-conversation ratio. We shift the incentives. You match a max of 1 match/day, then have to attend your video date at 8:30PM (or they disappear).
8:30PM - 1 Date per night image