

Don't just email. Drive growth with customer experience automation
19 reviews

What do you think about ActiveCampaign?

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What do people think of ActiveCampaign?

The community submitted 19 reviews to tell us what they like about ActiveCampaign, what ActiveCampaign can do better, and more.

4.2/5All time (19 reviews)
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Michael Reynolds
10 reviews
The app is constantly evolving, which is definitely a plus. There's automation in almost all processes, but the software still needs improvements.
Brendan Levin
6 reviews
Great product! I'm using it for CRM and Outreach purposes
JB Caz
2 reviews
Pros : The tool is an efficient and wide range mailing tool including CRM features. It is a complete suite for Marketing. It's an overall good product. Cons : It is quite slow, and takes a long time to load pages and interact with customers and segments. Some UI do not make much sense, as the way to access advanced search, or the way to access pre-existing segments. The biggest downside is their commercial policy: being a long time customer (4+ years) i was forced with a 10 days notice into a +25% price increase (on a big contract), and I had to conceede to a yearly plan to keep my pricing. I did not appreciate at all such a policy and will look for alternatives in the future. Without these pricing issues, the rating would be 3,5. 4+ if the UI was faster and improved.
36 reviews
Iain Rogers
1 review

This app came along just in time! One of our founders wasn't willing to adopt activecampaign without a mobile app.

Jared Osborne
2 reviews

Love the use case focus you've brought to the app rather than trying to replicate the website. Opening to the contacts first - and how it's just as easy to use as the iOS app is awesome.

Big missing feature though is that calls/texts made don't seem to be recorded in the CRM. It doesn't make If each time a call/text was made from the app - and then it prompted you to write notes - this would be incredible.

If you had this feature, I'd be getting the team to use it asap, even though we use Salesflare for our pipelines (we'd just sync the data). Their app UI for the sales/client communication use case it terrible.

Are you intending to integrate notifications with it? That would be great for tasks.

Oh, and being able to easily switch accounts would be wonderful as well.

Alex Schoepf
1 review

The app is really great and complements the web for on the road work

Riad Mouawad
1 review

The app feels mature despite being a day old. It’s obvious the company invested well on it, I’d say that this effort should migrate onto the website.

I recommend ading the ability to delegate tasks to other team members.

Brad Stuart
1 review

I've been waiting for someone to develop a mobile app for Active Campaign and this seems to have everything I want and need in a logical and streamlined interface. So far I like it more than the desktop version.. except that I have 222 overdue tasks to complete.

Anil Agrawal
25 reviews

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