Team Angle, know how much I love this platform. I'm even doing a review and that doesn't happen often! Been using it for a few months and find the UX/UI a better and more friendly experience than other similar platforms (and I test them all).
The team is great, open and accessible especially @matthias_strodtkoetter @sarahxjo @Matthias_Karg during my early days (sorry for all the messages!), the conversations are informative, fun, and you don't feel like you are in some hierarchy. Genuine, respectful interaction occurs with the ability to provide feedback from everyone in real-time...and screen-sharing!
I don't consider this a competitor (and I work in the Competitive Intelligence sector) to CH but a welcome alternative to those wanting to participate in a conversation and not an online broadcasting audio network. Different for different folks!
Good job Team Angle Audio and yes we are going to host our Fellows CI chat soon!