I had been using Microsoft Office to integrate and collaborate on spreadsheets and mail merge. I volunteer in a large non-profit with many non tech savvy individuals. I was challenged to port everything over to the Google platform. I looked into a number of otherwise excellent products for mail merge, but all of them fell short in one way or another for my needs. Portant has delivered on allowing me to create a product in which I can put in the savvy, and share with others who only need to input their part without technical skill. From a single master database I can create mail merged .pdfs, emails envelopes and multiple forms. Tech support has been absolutely incredible, responsive and personal. They have respected my input, helped to fix minor bugs or find work-arounds, and have been supportive of ways I have used Portant in creative ways they never imagined. I have found it easy to collaborate with others, share resources and teach them how to use Portant Workflow. The cost is very reasonable. While the learning curve is relatively easy, I am still just scratching the surface of the possible uses. I highly recommend it.