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    BeforeSunset AI v2.0
    Turns your todos into the perfect schedule with AI
    Siddharth Jaiswal
    Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
    Chris Messina

    BeforeSunset AI

    Turns your to-dos into the perfect schedule
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    What do people think of BeforeSunset AI?

    The community submitted 134 reviews to tell us what they like about BeforeSunset AI, what BeforeSunset AI can do better, and more.
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    4.8/5All time (134 reviews)
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    134 Reviews
    Mike O
    Mike O

    Community & Support

    6 reviews
    beautiful and thoughtful combination of features using tried-and-true technology. a godsend for users struggling with procrastination, challenges with executive function, ADHD, neurodiversity and other mental challenges PROS: - simple and *elegant* UX, informative and process driven for user ACTION - a pleasure on the eyes, unified design elements and motion effects - intuitive and easy to understand, gradual learning curve with a complex combination of must-have use cases, carefully presented - fave is front-and-center "what are you working on right now" single-task, big-bullet thing you need to accomplish TODAY. Then immediately add sub-tasks to help you break it down. PERFECT! - add a pomodoro timer and customize it to your usual working style, with ease - add estimated time-to-complete for tasks and sub-tasks with ease CONS - lack of Apple Calendar integration. unfortunately it's a non-starter and a dealbreaker. having watched so many other apps in this space skip it or backlog it, I have Feedback-ed to Apple to make it simpler to develop and maintain, and I have high hopes that those guys will rework and do up a modern web api to help out.
    Iryna Tokarchuk
    🇺🇦 BA/PM
    2 reviews
    wow this looks really fantastic! thank you folks for crafting this tool
    Berkay Ozkan
    Software Developer
    2 reviews
    Introducing one of the most transformative tools to enhance your quality of life! It's incredibly user-friendly and as seamless as can be. A big round of applause to the remarkable team behind this outstanding achievement! Congrats on your launch! 🎉🎉
    Lana Nagornaia

    bad joke

    2 reviews
    I loved it! A very clean-looking, functional interface. But the analytics feature is love at first sight!
    Danny Czutz
    Just existing
    1 review
    Seems like a great idea and potential product, but way too buggy for me to be using it right now. I'll click Plan My Day and none of my tasks show up or if they do only 1-2 will actually show. Definitely hope they work out the bugs though as this would be a very useful tool to use. Using Brave Browser on a Macbook btw. Reply: Thanks guys, will definitely check it back out when the stable version is released :)
    Elif Duran
    BeforeSunset AI
    Launching soon!
    Hi Danny 🙌 Sorry for your bad experience. BeforeSunset is released as Beta and will be released a more stable version very soon. Our tech team is working tirelessly to fix the bugs. We want to assure you that we’re treating this as a top priority ✨ We appreciate your patience and understanding while we sort things out. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re committed to providing you with a much-improved experience soon. We are planning an upgrade for our AI-Plan My Day feature 💪🏻 Would love to hear more about the bug you experienced, and your needs. Feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help! Thank you for your support 😊
    Co-Founder & CEO @ Decktopus
    1 review
    Wait what? Does AI plan my day? This is the BEST planner I've ever seen. No more wasting time trying to be productive, I'm already productive thanks to BeforeSunset AI! Congrats team.
    Abu Bakker Siddiq H
    Developer loves to explore
    1 review
    Simple but awesome idea to transform everyday planning
    Launch your own, look for others.
    25 reviews
    Congratulations on your successful launch! 🚀🚀🚀The name and Logo of the product are very impressive.
    Salim DIN
    Salim DIN

    Web Content Manager at forms.app

    3 reviews
    It's really intuitive and helps you get started. Great for productivity! Also, kudos to the UI team 🥳
    I wish the UI and navigation was much better. It took sometime for the to-dos to be entered. The loading takes time.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    BeforeSunset AI
    Launching soon!
    Hi Saminathan! 🙌 We apologize for the slow loading speed you’ve been experiencing on our platform. We totally understand how frustrating it can be when things aren’t running smoothly. But we’re on it! 🚀 Our tech team is working tirelessly to fix the technical glitches causing the slowdown. We want to assure you that we’re treating this as a top priority. In fact, we expect to have everything up and running smoothly within the next two days. ✨ We appreciate your patience and understanding while we sort things out. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re committed to providing you with a much-improved experience soon. 💪🏻 If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help! Thanks for sticking with us. 😊