Best Self Journal

Best Self Journal

Helps you plan 13 week personal sprints (health/biz/dreams)
1 review

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The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Best Self Journal, what Best Self Journal can do better, and more.

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Brandon Aaskov
3 reviews
This has been by far and away the best way for my ADHD brain to organize my time. It hits the balance of structure and flexibility almost perfectly. The organization of the journal is great as well: it's just very logical to me. I actually use the digital version (via Goodnotes) and the paper version kind of back and forth depending on how I'm feeling that week/moment. I do find myself doing the paper version for much longer stretches of time: there's something about it that's distraction-less and thus it becomes a system you can trust and rely on because you actually want to use it regularly. I'm genuinely nervous that one day this product may not exist anymore.

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