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Kickstart Product Docs with AI
Boggl helps PMs generate Roadmaps, Requirements, Release Notes using meaningful AI. Generate Test cases from your Requirements, generate PRDs from your Roadmap- Boggl leverages AI to exponentially increase your productivity.
Eduard Oneci
Adithya Shreshti
Jake Tital
+119 - Your ultimate PRD Tool - Your ultimate PRD Tool

One place Saas for all your PRDs
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What is - Your ultimate PRD Tool?
Saas for product managers to compile PRDs instead of a blank Google doc based on predefined templates that can be shared & collaborated on. Convert your stories & features into task links that can be assigned on any project management system with your team. View product insights that bubble up from your PRDs on centralised dashboard & autogenerate test cases for your QA team from your stories. - Your ultimate PRD Tool media 1 - Your ultimate PRD Tool media 2 - Your ultimate PRD Tool media 3

Recent launches

Saas for PMs/Founders to create PRDs instead of a blank Google doc based on curated templates ✅Convert your stories/features into task links that can be assigned on any project management system ✅Track metrics/launches ✅Autogenerate test cases for your QA team
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