CoderNotes is a platform for developer notes and code snippets. It lets you have a centralized place for tricky or recurring issues, while also allowing you to make those notes public, helping the next developer who searches the issue on Google.
Quick and streamlined execution of your scripts from a custom menu bar icon, or via keyboard shortcut. FastScripts improves the process of locating and running your scripts in the context of whichever app you're currently working.
Launch and Write is the core design of Stashany. 90% of time, you just want to quickly write down something or need a place to save your work temporary. We let you Write immediately, organizing and formatting can be done later.
A Windows port of Boop by Ivan Mathy Woop is a scriptable scratchpad that allows you to run any transformations on your text using the built-in or your self-writtenjs scripts.