

Targeted 2 to 4 personl networking at cafes & wine bars.
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What is Bottleshake?
How it works: 1️⃣ Complete your profile after logging in with LinkedIn or Facebook. 2️⃣ Post a meeting (shake) and specify professionals you want to meet. Accept or pass requests to join. 3️⃣ Search meeting titles using keywords. Request to join a shake and you’ll be notified when accepted. Available in CA, other areas pending.
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How it works:

1️⃣ Complete your profile after logging in with LinkedIn or Facebook.

2️⃣ Post a meeting (shake) and specify professionals you want to meet. Accept or pass requests to join.

3️⃣ Search meeting titles using keywords. Request to join a shake and you’ll be notified when accepted.

Available in CA, other areas pending.

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