
Easily create and manage productized services
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What do people think of Breeew?

The community submitted 16 reviews to tell us what they like about Breeew, what Breeew can do better, and more.
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4.9/5All time (16 reviews)
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16 Reviews
Ian Piepenbrock
1 review
Anthony has his finger on the pulse of the market like no other. With the rampant increase in people and agencies productizing their services this proposition is so obvious that it is almost easy to overlook. I came across Anthony's X account several months ago when he had just started his "build in public journey". As someone who spent the past year productizing my own creative agency (and since sold it) it right away sparked my interest. Anthony seems to have a good understanding of people's and agency's most urgent needs, seems to be learning quicly, is constantly prioritizing/re-prioritising features and has been shipping updates at a blistering pace. More importantly he is constantly and genuinely hungry for feedback and input from his target audience. I am currently not actively using Breeew but chances are high that I will in the near future. After my agency exit I'm exploring multiple ideas and Breeew is the perfect tool to rapidly launch productize services to test market viability. With Anthony leading the charge, I simply can't see how Breeew can fail and I look forward to the platform's development as we move into the future.
Anthony Riera
Thank you so much Ian for your support it means so much coming from you! This sums up exactly what I'm trying to achieve and seeing that people are noticing helps me going! Can wait to ship more, better and make this space the best it can be! Indeed, hit me up if any of your projects need Breeew, I'll be here to help and support!

David Kimacia
saas enthusiast
1 review
Game changer! Breeew simplifies the processes of managing your productized service or agency - it essentially integrates multiple long processes and steps into one platform. It took me less than 5 minutes to set up my backend which I can now use to scale and organise my projects/clients.
Anthony Riera
Wow thanks David, I'm glad it help you that much! Exciting times ahead ✨

Hannes Dollinger
Creative Digital Media Producer
1 review
If you want to set up a subscription model for your service, breeew is the right tool. I am just getting started, but I like the simple workflow as well as the ambition of the service.

1 review
Breeew was a game-changer for me. It allows you to focus on marketing and getting shit done with your productized service, without any unnecessary complications like Trello integrations or pausing calculations.

Jorje Rojas
Entrepreneur. Father x2. Padawan.
1 review
Se ve un producto simple y efectivo para organizar tu servicio productizado. Me falta quizás un espacio para compartir archivos y procesos con el cliente.


Design at Oneless Design

1 review
Breeew makes life so easy it's a no-brainer if you're building any type of productised service.

Martin Veldsman
1 review
Breeew is the best in class solution for all-in-one productized services I have found. It stands out from other options due to its uncluttered and simple user interface combined with comprehensive features list. The developer Anthony is active and builds efficiently with frequent updates based on customer feedback. Highly recommended tool for streamlining service fulfillment.

Designing products in blockchain
2 reviews
It's truly transformed how services are offered—an all-in-one platform that's incredibly convenient and swift to set up, up and running in no time!



1 review
Love it so far. Awesome that its free until you get your first client!
Anthony Riera
Thank you so much! If you need anything just drop me a message on X and I'll assist you ✨

Alejandro Jimenez

Indie maker

2 reviews
Breeew is the best tool for your productized-service. Anthony, its founder, nailed it at creating a smooth software for both agencies/freelancers and your clients.