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    What do people think of Calm?

    The community submitted 21 reviews to tell us what they like about Calm, what Calm can do better, and more.
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    4/5All time (3 reviews)
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    21 Reviews
    Halyna Borok
    Customer Care Expert | Let's connect 🌞
    3 reviews
    A very nice app that helps to relax and chill. Sometimes it's very hard for me to calm my mind and then Calm is very helpful. And especially I love the affirmations and their posts on Instagram)
    System administrator
    1 review
    Excellent, I like Jeff's daily meditation. And sleep stories if I need them at times. Totally worth the subscription fee for me.
    I hate mandatory fields about myself.
    1 review
    The only good thing I can really say about this app is that the rain soundscapes are probably the best I've found on any app. The stories were weird for trying to sleep to, but maybe that's just me. The ability to browse all of their content is somewhat limited as well--hard to know where to navigate to sometimes. A lot of what I listened to, especially in the Daily Jay, seemed over-focused on productivity, being the best I can be, self-improvement, etc.--rather than learning to accept and love myself as I am. Self help content can often be subtly toxic this way, and I'd rather not get it from something selling itself as having psychological benefits. I told my therapist that I had gotten it, and she promptly told me to uninstall it--turns out she hates the app with a passion, and many of her colleagues feel likewise. My qualifications: I have practiced meditation for years--both silent, zen-style meditation with a local sangha and guided meditations a la Headspace. I struggle with depression, PTSD, and ADHD and have experienced many treatment modalities over the years--including extensive mindfulness practice. TLDR: some good, but plenty of toxic self help rather than evidence-based psychological content. Plenty of other apps that are cheaper or free.
    Maxim Egorov
    Community Manager
    4 reviews
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    Review of Calm
    Vessy Tasheva
    Founder of Vessy.com, D&I Consultant
    3 reviews
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    Review of Calm
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    Review of Calm
    Loving Calm. Just got it. Good to just make space in busy days.
    Jean-Marc Lagace
    online entrepreneur and übergeek
    2 reviews
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    Review of Calm

    I discovered the Calm App a few years ago and it's been accompanying me in my meditation practice since then.

    Martin Fiege
    3 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Calm
    Nicolas Ordoñez
    Marketing digital
    2 reviews
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    Review of Calm
    Jennifer Horowitz
    Harvard Graduate School of Design '22
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Calm
    The Calm app is for anyone like me who struggles with getting to sleep but wants to find creative solutions to solve this issue. Calm provides recordings of stories, nature sounds, meditations and much much more to help guide you to a restful sleep. As a longtime Calm app fan I have been astounded by the steps the app has taken to make its offerings more and more creative. To me this presents one of the major tenets of desirability the Calm App provides it has reached out to a wide variety of celebrities and personalities to record some of its sleep sounds and recordings. While I know some may be skeptical of the Calm app’s effectiveness, the app requires that the user engage with openness to the potential and possibility provided by the app’s offerings. The easy-to-use interface helps allow the user to explore the application’s massive library.