The best alternatives to are SlimU, Calorie, and Unit Calories. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
The fastest and most useful way to lose weight is to count the calories you consume. This is the basic principle are designed to help you lose weight. Calorie app helps you track your weight and the amount of calories you consume daily.
Typical calorie counters can't handle the combo of a desk job and a rigorous workout routine. Unit Calories calculates your TDEE from first principles, giving you an accurate daily calorie target tailored to your unique lifestyle and exercise routines.
The dapp is helping every person to live a healthier life by letting them track what they eat, how many calories they consume, how much sport they do every day, how many calories they burn in sports activities, etc.. All personal data is encrypted.
If you’ve ever wanted to start eating healthier, but always get overwhelmed by information and changes you need to make - then you will love our app!❤️🎯