The best alternatives to CampusRent are Roombuddy, OurFlat, and Dwell. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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AssemblyAI— Speech-to-Text API with superhuman accuracy
We manually check every ad posted on roombuddy to keep you safe. Find the perfect room, find out who lives there and arrange a viewing. See potential roommates looking in your area and find the right person to share an apartment with. Offer your room and wait for you to be contacted.
The one app you need to manage life with flatmates. Share a shopping list, track your expenses and tasks. Don't forget to take out the trash! Dark mode and a few nifty details, just works. Free with ads or very cheap.
Dwell makes it easy for roommates to manage bills and chores around the house. No more worrying about who's supposed to do what chore when. No more chasing down bill payments and calculating split. Simple make a group, invite your roommates, and get started.
Circle gives you everything you need to find a roommate you already know. Join the first social network for roommate finding, and avoid living with a stranger.
Add your roommates, set up tasks, events and expenses and manage it all in one convenient and easy to use app. Enzo can make living together a breeze and simplify daily chores. Give it a try & Transform your Life.