I would buy some Etherlamborgini or an cryptohorse. Have you ever thaught about, that the hype is over, and would start with a new project. The same with Bitcoin - I would buy Etherum.
Between all the noise in the current blockchain space CryptoKitties is the project we have been waiting for for such a long time. Not only differentiates CryptoKitties massively by capitalizing on the overseen Kitten-Space, also they have spent more effort in actually building a product than all the other projects combined. Also they seem to be one of the first DApss to invest heavily in UX and Design which is a great benefit for the whole DApps market overal. CryptoKitties: leader in the blockchain space.
I am a middle aged woman totally enthralled by this application of the blockchain and so looking forward to where it will go!