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Breed and collect adorable creatures using Ethereum
51 reviews

What is CryptoKitties?

In CryptoKitties, users collect and breed oh-so-adorable creatures that we call CryptoKitties! Each kitty has a unique genome that defines its appearance and traits. Players can breed their kitties to create new furry friends and unlock rare cattributes.

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Review CryptoKitties?

4.91/5 based on 51 reviews
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7 reviews
I’ve always enjoyed this idea of yours, and throughout my blockchain courses, I’ve often referenced this game as a beautifully creative way to generate value. I’ve also used the "genome" model in your game as an effective tool to teach complex blockchain concepts. Thank you for such an inspiring idea!
9 reviews
I use this when I was entering the NFT market. Bought some for fun, not a good ROI, unfortunately.
Sam Linas
4 reviews
My first ever NFT!! a game changer for the space, cryptokitties is OG!!
Danielle Johnson
18 reviews

I've been reading and learning more about the blockchain recently and CryptoKitties has provided a hands on (and fun!) side to the learning and experimenting. I am fast learning about gas, transactions, contracts, and feeling more confident buying and selling using Eth.

The UX and artwork is absolutely incredible! Not only are the kitties adorable, but all of the website illustrations and design decisions make developer me very happy.

Super nice work guys. I am excited to see more advanced filtering and searching in the next version!

pinguino kolb
2 reviews

I've been playing since the alpha, and it's one of my favorite games of 2017. I learned a ton about ethereum and dApps because of cryptokitties.

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