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  • databass ai

    databass ai

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    What do people think of databass ai?

    The community submitted 6 reviews to tell us what they like about databass ai, what databass ai can do better, and more.
    What do you think about databass ai?
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    5/5All time (6 reviews)
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    6 Reviews
    Hasco Outlet
    Music Producer
    1 review
    Databass AI transformed my music making abilites. Imagine CHATgpt on steriods. Also there customer support is immaculate. I finally said goodbye to garage band and now solely use databass ai. Thank you to the founders. You are the reason I got my gig at EDC this year
    Jason Ahmar
    General Contractor
    1 review
    DataBass AI makes me feel like myself again. I love DataBass AI.
    Luke Swirsky
    Co-Founder, Databass
    1 review
    Simply the best there is in AI audio tools for producers.
    Kareem Ammar
    Investment Banker
    1 review
    Frankly one of the most mind boggling applications of AI within the space.
    Nicholas Azrilyan
    CEO, Databass. Innovating music.
    1 review
    Very excited for people to start using databass!
    Bailey Billet
    Mailroom Clerk
    1 review
    Very user-friendly, loved it!