An artist with an MBA. Confusing, I know
1 review6 STARS if I could. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
All bloggers, creatives, Notion lovers, and other non-engineers. READ THIS.
Here's a story of a great entrepreneur... So I found Embed Notion and immediately thought it was incredible. I played around with the FREE version to test it out and I was sold!
After I signed up for Pro, I made a Notion page with YouTube embeds (which I hadn't tested). Everything was going good until this moment... the youtube embeds didn't work and I just spent countless hours/days redesigning my blog/store website around this tool.
I'll be honest I was frustrated, crushed even... but I could only be mad at myself for not testing it out. BUT... I reached out to Joel on Twitter and he replied (which rarely happens these days) and asked me to give him 3 days to fix the problem. Keep in mind two of those days were over the weekend.
I received a tweet Tuesday morning after his Saturday reply and it read "Can you give it a go for me?" I tested the updated version and everything works seamlessly. Not only did he fix the video embeds but he made the auto-update even smoother.
Underpromised, OVER-delivered!
I highly recommended this product, not only because it's a great tool for bloggers, notion educators, internal websites, and more... but because it was built by a solid guy who was true to his word! Support PEOPLE not businesses.
Thanks again, Joel!
Disclaimer, in no way shape, or form, did Joel ask me to write this nor do I have anything to gain from it.