Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps you build real-world experience, pairs you with an industry leading advisor, teaches you how to crush your interviews, and guarantees you a job or internship.
Mimo helps you learn how to code, right from your phone. With hands-on challenges, real-world projects, and head-to-head competitions, you can learn to build an app or website wherever you are.
Get skill-based courses made up of curated content all via friendly emails to keep you motivated along with hands-on assignments. We curate, filter, and sort content so all you have to do is consume!
Finding inspiration is hard when you are lost in day-to-day tasks. Daily Say changes the mood of your team's channel by sending 3 messages every day. These messages create moments of inspiration that can lead the employees into a fruitful discussion.
Autonomous driving, Sound synthesis, Voice Recognition, Wireless communication, Gaming, and Machine learning - are just some of the topics you’ll learn about with STEM Box. Every three months, you’ll get a new cool project based delivered at your doorstep!
Courtmatics is the competitive edge for tennis players through the Smart Dampener, a smart vibration dampener, which provides instant coaching & detailed feedback. The app shows session-level analysis of 20 metrics – serves, ground strokes, volleys, footwork, & fitness. Users receive personalized coaching tips & videos based on their skill level.
Leland is a coaching marketplace that connects people with professionals who can help them reach career/educational goals. Coaches monetize their expertise and help the next generation break into top schools and career paths through 1:1 coaching and classes.