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The best alternatives to Fablegym are Bookstash, Read This Twice, and Fready. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Fablegym
  • Bookstash is a free library of curated summaries from top nonfiction books. We pick a book for you and give you all the key ideas and you get to save your favorites for later & track your reading progress.

  • A compilation of books that influenced and shaped the top entrepreneurs, authors, investors, scientists, politicians, etc. Every single recommendation on the website has been verified and includes a quote and a source link to the recommendation.

  • Increase your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. A science-backed word pacer that moves like a finger on a book. No BS.

  • Set your reading speed and choose how long you want to read daily. ➡️ The calculator will tell you how many books 📚 you can read in a lifetime, a year, or a month. The app also recommends best-sellers to motivate you to build a reading habit.