What is Fin?
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Recent Fin Launches

Launched on October 2nd, 2018

Forum Threads
Fin started as an app, then opened up to web, and is now on Slack.
Assistant technology like Siri or Google Now simply doesn't cut it - and will not for a long time, if ever. Hiring an assistant yourself comes with a lot of overhead and caveats ... Fin mixes the best of human and machine intelligence to deliver a top-flight service.
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I find that the offer they give us hunters is the best way to use Fin. I used it when It had a monthly rate and loved it and love it now, but I save a lot of money because I don't request often but when I do it really helps. Don't know why so many detractors.
For something supposedly so revolutionary, they should let people try the service for free pr at least a couple of weeks
They seem to be failing at only using as much user data as absolutely necessary for their product to function. According to their privacy policy, your data is shared with others, whether you want it or not, and you can’t ask for your data to be deleted. A nice surprise in an email that’s sent to you after signing up (presuming that you, like 99% of all other users, don’t take time to fully read their privacy policy)!
From their User Data Policy (Privacy Policy?):
**Does Fin share the Information it collects with other People?**
Yes. As a general rule, Fin shares the Information it collects and learns from you with other People, including People who do not use Fin. This includes Information Fin collects and learns from your Communications and Conversations (including the things you ask Fin to do), as well as any Information Fin collects and learns from your address book, calendar, and email account (including Contact Information). Fin may also share the fact that you use Fin with other people.
If Fin shares something it collects from you, Fin will not identify you by name as the source of that Information unless you give Fin permission to do so (either through this Data Policy or otherwise). You give Fin permission to identify you as the source of any Information shared with your starred or trusted connections. You also give Fin permission to identify you as the source of any Information you share publicly using Fin.
If you want to share Information with Fin, but do not want Fin to share that Information with anyone else, you should place it in the Fin Vault.
Fin does not sell your personally identifiable information to advertisers. Fin will also not share the transcript of any emails it collects from accessing your email account.
**Does Fin delete any Information it collects?**
No. Because Fin is a collective knowledge system, Fin retains all of the Information it collects and learns, including Information it collects and learns from you.
If you want to share Information with Fin, but want to be able to delete it later, you should place it in the Fin Vault.
I use Fin primarily for scheduling meetings, booking reservations and flights. Fin remembers my preferences, is really easy to use and saves me hours each week.
I've been using the product very actively for about a year now. I'm a terrible edge case customer: multi-time zone, foreign language addresses, weird scheduling requirements (sun-thur for in person, mon-wed for calls, etc), and other oddities.
While no service is perfect ... and certainly no remote/virtual assistant is ... whats been awesome is seeing how much Sam and Andrew listen to customers, improve the app, and make the service work better.
Its hard to imagine not using the service now.