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Save the latest stories, news, articles you want to read later in your Readstack Reading List. When you finished reading - just swipe it to remove. Readstack is designed to bring you zero-stress and zero-procrastination reading experience
Are you a medium user? Do you get frustrated not being able to sort your reading list while on your computer? Look no further!…
Are you a medium user? Do you get frustrated not being able to sort your reading list while on your computer? Look no further!
All medium users can use this! You don't have to be a medium member.
Corpus is a minimal shared reading list. Simply paste a link and hit enter to curate. Add links to private or public lists and share with colleagues, friends and family.
Read and explore better. Key ideas in books converted to graph nodes (+ complete list of their mentions) so you can explore how they are connected to texts and to each other. Trace, read, and participate in the conversations that have defined our civilization
We all love reading books, But I know how it feels to forget where you were, Or Forget the book you want to read next To solve those problems, We introduce Read'r Read, Manage, and keep track on all of them from just one place