Rapid is a cloud-hosted service that allows mobile app and web developers to build real-time user interfaces.
Rapid makes building complex user interfaces a breeze by providing rich query capabilities. You can filter, order and page through your data without having to worry about indexes and optimization.
3️⃣3Box is a distributed, user-centric data storage system that makes it easy for developers to build secure, lightweight, and trusted applications with minimal backend infrastructure. APIs for auth, profiles, storage, and messaging.
GitHuman is a decentralized alternative to GitHub and GitLab (Git sharing for everyone without any discrimination or restriction). It's built with IPFS and IPLD. It works without a centralised server. Host your git repositories using IPFS + IPLD.
GetGit is a simple Git hosting service that gives you your own private Gitea instance that you can set up however you like. It’s ideal for freelance developers or small teams that need to create lots of users, organization, and private repos.