I have been looking for an app that I could basically use as a client to Gists to use as code snippets. I've looked at Cacher and some other options, most have extremely limited free tiers or are generally a bit clunky.
I love the interface in Gisto. I opened it up, logged in (the app integrated Github 2FA natively, which worked for me while the "Login with Github" via github popup site failed; bad redirect?), and immediately had my existing gists loaded up. Flipped through them in the editor. Code only files load as editable code right away; Markdown and other text loads as preview. In edit mode, markdown edits with the live preview side by side. Love the home screen with tiles and stats on languages and public/private etc. Lots of good drop down options to go back to web, copy content, integrate with external sites.
Is there a plan to monetize this? Also tiny note, looks like the burger menu in the top left corner doesn't do anything (not sure what it *should* do). Great work!