Gloww is amazing. I have been using Zoom since 2015. Back then, people had no idea about virtual meetings. Zoom has been great, but recently stumbled across Gloww, and I'm glad I did. Here's what I think is better about Gloww than Zoom:
1. Background music. It can really set the mood for a meeting. On Zoom, the first thing everyone says is "Can you hear me?". What they are really trying to say is, "I can't hear anything and I'm wonder if my audio is working correctly". When you have background music on when someone joins, they auotmatically know that their audio is connected.
2. Sharing screen - It is so painful on Zoom to get someone I'm meeting with the share their screen. I love on Gloww how you can have a dedicated "scene" for sharing screen. When you are ready, go to that scene and ask the person you are meeting with to click the button on the screen. So much better!
3. I tell people Gloww is a comibination of Zoom and PowerPoint. I love how I can make different slides and move the meeting with them.
4. I love how Gloww makes it is to interact. Now, I have an "ice-breaker" for the start of my all-hands meetings. It's a fun way to kick things off.
Well done Gloww! Keep the awesome templates and features coming!